Monday 15 October 2012

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl - Jesse Andrews

Publication Details:
Published by Harry N. Abrams on March 1st 2012.
295 Pages
40 Chapters

I absolutely loved this book to pieces. It was just incredible. There isn't much to say about this book so I'm not going to say much at all. Just this:

Before I picked this book up I'd heard it was a cancer story (somewhat) so I kind of passed (on the story, not the beautiful cover), then I'd heard here and there that this is a book that had people cracking up with laughter. Once I heard this I thought: "An incredibly funny cancer story? I doubt it". So naturally, I couldn't resist and decided to pick it up. I am extremely glad that I made that choice.

This book is so hilariously funny and just completely amazing. There were several instances throughout this book where I lay in my room and laughed out loud at what I was reading, one of these times I laughed at one joke for a solid 15 minutes! It's just an incredible story that I can't describe in a way to do it the level of justice it deserves. 

Someone told me before I read the book that they like to describe it as this: "It's a book about everything and nothing all at once." And I myself couldn't think of a better way to describe this book if I tried. If you know what's good for you, you'll give this book a go.

5 out of 5 stars!


  1. This does sound intriguing! And that cover is AWESOME SAUCE! Gotta add this one!

    1. I really loved it! The cover is by far one of my favourites that I own! Hope you enjoy it when you decide to pick it up! :)
